Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters to us. Our shop has SSL, which adds a layer of security when you enter your information at checkout. Payments are processed by Stripe online which has a 100% safe level of security on all transactions.

Here are some of Stripes Security Measures:

  • PCI Service Provider Level 1 Certification - The highest level of certification in the payments industry.²
  • Encrypted Data and Communication - The service uses PGP keys for safe communication.
  • Money Transmitter Licenses - Stripe complies with legal regulations for payment platforms.

All customer information at Culture 4 is collected with consent and will not be used against the customer. We use this information to fulfill orders and to help our customers with anything they need.

Information Collected from customers Include: Full Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, and Billing/Payment information as discussed above. 

All info is erased after the order has been fulfilled unless saved by the customer on the website. 

Additional Information that is collected are website visitors and revenue. You are immediately considered a visitor when you open the website and revenue is totalled when you have payed for an order.